Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Growing Herbs Indoors

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Friday, September 23, 2011


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Repel Pests

You have planned and planted, why do you need garden pest control? Pests can come in many sizes. If you have something large and furry eating your herbs then you have some fencing decisions to make. If you are concerned about the small flying and sucking or chewing variety of pests then there are things you can do to lessen the impact they have on your herb garden with a few tips.

As a rule, the aromatic herbs are not as bothered by pests as some vegetable gardens are. This does not mean that nothing bothers herbs, just that the quantity of pests you have to deal with is less. The first thing you must do is identify the pest. Once you know what sort of pest it is, there are some organic ways to deter them from eating your herbs. Companion planting is a natural way that helps keep some pests away. For instance, Garlic is useful against Japanese beetles and aphids. Plant garlic outside and mash garlic and mix with water to spray inside on your plants. It just may do the trick. Calendula deters many pests both above and below ground. Calendula is a wonderful herb with many uses so planting extra to deter insects is only more helpful to you. Mint deters pests like aphids and flea beetles. You can find mints in any local nursery. No matter what variety, they all have the same repellent quality to insects. Lavender is legendary for its ability to repel moths. Mint is lovely and fits in most any garden scheme so try it for your pest problem!

Daily maintenance is important in finding the pest problem and either picking the bugs off by hand or being able to treat the small area before it becomes a larger problem. A soapy spray is a good way to treat for sucking insects. combine some pure soap, grated, with some water until soap dissolves. Spray this on any herb that seems to be affected by insects. Be certain to spray both the tops and undersides of the foliage and make sure that the soap solution drips off. This is safe for edible herbs. The only caution is to rinse the herbs well before adding to a recipe.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Growing Vegetables and Herbs In A Small Area

For anyone accustomed to the notion that a vegetable garden must be a fairly large affair - its rows stretching fifteen or twenty feet at a minimum, the concept of crops pushing up from a small container or appearing to burst the bonds of a tiny patch of ground only a few feet square - it is almost unsettling. Yet growing vegetables in cramped spaces is not only possible but highly rewarding. One can grow tomatoes in tubs at the edge of a patio, strawberries in empty milk cartons on a windowsill, lettuce in a modest window box, watermelons along a strip beside a driveway or beans on a trellis on a small apartment balcony.
How to grow vegetables and herbs in different places (professional manual) - click here...
A year-long harvest of several kinds of vegetables can be gained from a single area no wider than a card table. To achieve this kind of bounty in lap-sized spaces it is necessary merely to provide the right growing conditions and to purchase seed varieties that are appropriate for small-scale circumstances. Luckily a number of seed companies have responded to the newly recognized demand for miniature or compact plants, and more new strains are being offered to the public every year, often grouped together under such headings as "space savers," "space misers" or "midgets."
Producing vegetables on a reduced scale, however, is basically a different proposition from other kinds of gardening. Small gardens devoted to woody ornamentals like dwarf conifers, rhododendrons or heathers or to miniature bulbs or alpines are arranged and managed largely for appearance: they exist to be decorative, to please the eye. Vegetables are most often grown to reward not the eye but the palate. So while corn stalks and bean bushes can make the mouth water they rarely make the eye pop, and they are not likely to be found gracing a well designed border, although creative horticulturists have combined a few of the handsomest vegetables with flowering plants to good effect.
How to grow vegetables and herbs in small yards - click here.
The greatest difficulties are practical ones. Although the leafy greens, like lettuce, can do fairly well on only four hours of direct sunlight a day, any vegetable that produces a fruit (tomatoes, beans, corn and so on) must have a solid eight hours of warming sun or its yields will be disappointing or virtually nonexistent; but that bright light does not benefit dwarf azaleas. Similarly, a friable soil mix, amply fertilized, is desirable in vegetable growing but too heady for many dwarf plants that are expected to stay small. The major problem, however, is presented by the need to turn over the vegetable garden's soil every year, in effect reconstituting it; such heavy tilling cannot be done in a bed of rock garden plants and perennials.
How to grow vegetables and herbs in little spaces - click here.
In most cases, a vegetable patch must be sited differently and separated from the conventional small-scale garden.
This said, there is no doubting the fact that the smaller vegetables are worth trying, especially if space for the larger kind is at a premium. It is important to choose, however, the kind of smallness desired, whether it is the fruit or produce itself that will be miniature, or the plant that yields it. Miniature vegetables as such are amusing and eye-catching, a novelty that many restaurants and imaginative cooks offer with great success. Some miniatures, for example, cherry tomatoes, are accepted for their own sake, while a number of vegetables are of course just naturally small - radishes, for example.
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How To Grow Herbs & Veggies in Small Spaces

Let's face it, in today's economic times everybody is looking to save money wherever they can, and people who are looking to feed their families whole nutritious food are no exception. Armed with John Bees' gardening manual, they'll have the expert tips and advice needed to save themselves hundreds if not thousands of dollars in list produce costs.
The "How To Grow Herbs & Veggies in Small Spaces" gardening manual is a full gardening system that allows anyone to really build their tiny garden right in their limited spaced backyard or even in their kitchen.
Are you struggling with trying to grow fresh herbs and veggies in a small space but no matter what you plant and no matter how much love and attention you give your seedlings... they simply wither up and die?
The book "how to grow herbs and vegetables in small spaces" contains a 137 page indoor gardening manual packed with some of the tips and tricks used by the horticulture industry to really get their gardens, plants, shrubs and flowers to grow at enormous rates!
Forget trying to learn how to grow "anything" out of some dusty old book - - this huge gardening manual includes dozens of photos taken from John's own gardens!

The front cover of the "Hot To Grow Herbs and Veggies in Small Spaces" includes a couple of photos right on the cover to give you an idea of how the pros keep it growing in their limited space gardens.

Growing herbs and vegatables

Welcome to the blog about growing herbs and vegetables. Here you can learn how to grow herbs and vegetables You will also find growing herbs and vegetables books reviews.