Thursday, December 29, 2011

Elderberry - The Flu Remedy

Elderberry is used as a delicious remedy for the flu. It prevents the flu virus from attaching to our cells and therefore, it shortens the duration and severity of the flu.

Elderberry is extremely useful for fighting the flu. It contains compounds that keep the flu virus from attaching to the cell, so it can shorten the duration of your illness and possibly lesson the severity.

Elderberries make a wonderfully tasty remedy. You can use them fresh or dried equally well. Making a sweet elderberry syrup or a semi sweet tincture.

When wildcrafting elderberries, be sure to only pick from areas that do not receive a lot of vehicle traffic and be certain to only pick the most ripe berries. This is easy to do, as they are picked in large umbrells of berries per stem.

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